

Benefits of the SYNLAB/NHS Pathology Partnership in South East London

The SYNLAB and NHS partnership in South East London is dedicated to improving the quality of patient care and enhancing the experience of those providing that care.

Over the course of the next four years, a service transformation programme will deliver a range of benefits to GP practices served by the partnership, including an improved experience throughout the process of ordering tests and receiving results.

Other benefits across the healthcare system include:

  • fast, reliable, high-quality testing which will speed up patient diagnosis and access to treatment, and help improve patient outcomes;
  • the ability to manage more care in the community and prevent avoidable visits and admissions to hospital;
  • being able to fast-track any urgent requests;
  • access to digital systems which connect referral sites and state-of-the-art laboratories, enabling the sharing of clinical data across South East London

For more information about the future vision for pathology services across South East London, read this short e-book (click on the image below).

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